Sunday, October 31, 2004

Dipole Antenna for 10m

Yesterday and today I built myself a dipole antenna for the 10 meter band, and hopefully tomorrow I will install it in my attic. I don't have a radio for it quite yet, but I have bought one on eBay, and it should arrive this coming week. Due to an oversight I missed my General License test last week, and so I am still just a Technician, although one with Morse Code credit. So, there's a segment of the 10m band that I can legally use. So, when the radio arrives I will be able to use it.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Comm Log

Tonight I participated in the OARS club net, which occurred 7:30 pm. All I did was call in my callsign and name, but they seemed to be pleased to hear me.

In other news, my study for the General class license seems to be going along OK. I believe I will be ready by the test date (Oct 27, 2004). I missed the darned thing by only one question last time, so I really ought to pass it this time.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Comm Log

Tonight, as indicated in my previous post, I was Net Control for the Olympia (Washington) Area ERC and the MARA West Cascades Chapter South Section Nets. For the uninitiated, both nets are loosely related to the LDS Church emergency preparation program. ERC stands for "Emergency Response Communications" and MARA stands for "Mercury Amateur Radio Association".

Here are the logs for both nets tonight. The letter after the call sign indicates the type of power (C=Commercial; B=Battery).


Olympia Stake Units

  • Eld Inlet
    • KD7UJH - C
    • KDYUSV - B
    • KD7USW - B
  • Olympia 1
    • KD7GBQ - C
    • KD7FTI - C
    • KD7USS - B
    • KD7UST - B
  • Tumwater
    • KC7PAG - C
    • KD7UTC - C
    • KD7DHD - B

Lacey Stake Units

  • Lacey 2
    • KD7EBU -C (Had Announcement)
  • Lacey 3
    • KB7OHV - B

KD7EBU reported on the Lacey Stake Conference, which was held today.

MARA South Section

  • N7BAA - B
  • KC7PAG - C
  • KD7USS - B
  • KD7UST - B
  • KD7USV
  • KD7USW
KD7USW reported that KD7USY should probably be removed from the MARA SS roll call due to his being in Brazil for the next two years.

The ERC Net started at 20:30 local time (PST) and ended about 20:40. The MARA Net started at 21:15 and ended about 21:25. I had a brief conversation with KC7PAG after the end of each net, where we coordinated my sending the log for these nets to him via email.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Comm Log

Tonight was the usual net for the Olympia Area ERC Net. I checked in at approximately 20:38. Net Control was KD7UJH, Vaunn, and he asked me if I would act as Net Control for next week's net. I graciously consented. I also announced on the net that I had passed my Morse code test, and encouraged all who had not done so to begin working on it, that it was really wasn't that hard, after all.