Comm Log
Tonight was filled with excellent communications. I participated in:
- the Olympia Area ERC net, starting at 20:30, on the OARS repeater NT7H, 147.360+ PL103.5
- the MARA Cascades Chapter Central Section net, starting at 21:00, on 147.560 simplex,
- at about 21:13, between the Central and South Section nets, I spoke with K7CXJ, John, in Sammamish. I was hearing him and he was hearing me extremely clearly, and the distance between us was about 55 miles
- and the MARA Cascades Chapter South Section net, starting at 21:15, on 147.560 simplex.
- after all the nets, spoke with KC7PAG and KD7USS on 147.560 MHz simplex around 21:40 about various things concerning ERC and my new antenna.